So far...

So far, so good on the eating front today. Had a muffin at morning break. About an hour after lunch I started to feel really shaky so I had a couple of werthers candies. That seemed to help and got me through the rest of the work day. Lunch was roast pork, mashed potatoes, carrot/turnip mix and gravy, so I don't get why I was so shaky. I felt so LESS tired after eating lunch so, what gives? Hopefully I can get my butt up tonight and start exercising again. I really hate that I have no ambition for exercise lately. We will see.....


I ate better today, back on track, until after dinner when I dug into the ice-cream. Didn't have much though as I shared the last cup full with my daughter. Totally had the urge to have a major binge tonight but all the good binge stuff is gone so that saved me. Still have no desire to exercise though but being the day after a long weekend (it was thanksgiving here in Canada yesterday), and such a physically demanding work day, I am not surprised. So if I can keep on keepin on tomorrow with the eating well, I just might be starting to climb up out of the deep. Now just to get my workout mojo back.....

Deep in the hole

I have fallen into one of the deep pot holes in the road. For the last week it has been nothing but junk foods (chips, dip, pogos, pop), and overeating. This in turn caused extreme fatigue which of course made me stay on my big butt on the couch. Consequences? A whole week of NO, absolutely NONE, exercise. What happened to my love of running? Down deep in the hole! My cravings for exercise? Deeper in the hole! My need for healthy eating and energy? At the very bottom! Can I get out? Have I really hit the bottom? Tomorrow I guess will tell...


What is the reason for the name of my blog? I named it dirt road to health because my journey to lose weight, get fit and improve my health is like traveling a dirt road. It is a very rough ride with many bumps and holes and slip-slides along the way. My journey has needed to be traveled slowly to try to avoid the biggest bumps and pot holes that threaten my success in getting where I need (and want) to be.